"Dynamic Burn-In" QA Testing Now Offered
Using our experience gained from making products made for military and aerospace use, Advantech is able to transfer much of this technology into our everyday products. Our "Dynamic Burn-In" program is one such program. Dynamic Burn-In is a method of Quality Assurance testing that pre-tests a CPU board to temperature extremes.
Product Information
Cyrix Chip Logo Changed to Geode
Advantech would like to announce and explain a new logo appearing on our single board computers. National Semiconductor's GeodeTM logo will be standardized on all GXm products from now on.
Product Update
New Clock Generator for the POS-560B1
The POS-560-00B1's Clock Generator has been phased out and replaced with a new one. The new part number is the POS-560-00B2.
ECG's U.S. Mass Mailing Campaign
Advantech's Embedded Computing Group's US office is launching a direct mailing campaign in the US market. The main objective of this campaign is to distribute 400,000 prospects to stimulate sales revenue within a very short time period.