Half-size Pentium® CPU Card Now Handles -20° to 80°
C Temperature Range!
you probably already know, Advantech has launched the Phoenix
Operation of extreme temperature and reliability testing, and
is constantly adding new products that can meet these stringent
requirements. The PCA-6751Z low power Pentium® MMX half-size
SBC is the latest product to meet this challenge.
Series MicroBox PC Chassis Adds PCM-9550F
MBPC-300 MicroBox PC chassis has added the PCM-9550Fto its line
of 5.25" Biscuit PCs it supports. Available at the end of
December 2000, the PCM-9550 SBC will bring
a fast, low-power PentiumŪ 266 MHz processor, EBX form factor,
multimedia capability and multiple digital input/outputs that
make it the ideal embedded platform to offer with this MBPC-300
chassis combination.
Geode Control Board Ready to Ship!
new POS-563 Geode processor-based control board that offers
a wide range of features perfect for the POS application market,
is shipping now.
PS2 Keyboard/mouse Connector Cable Now Standard
Because of
the ever increasing standardization of PS2 type keyboard/mouse
connectors, ECG products, such as Slot PCs, 3.5" Biscuit PCs and
PC/104, will use the new type keyboard/mouse cable (part no.
1700060202). We want to make all our associates aware of this
ordering change.