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Advantech is
your Embedded "Total Solution" Provider
When Advantech calls itself a "total solution" provider, it does so
with the intention it will give our customers a better understanding of the services
and products we provide. Let us once again explain what we mean by this. Let's
first point out that Advantech manufactures total solution Panel PCs and POS ready
to use products. We design and anufacture our own CPU board assemblies in our
own factories and configure the operating software based on the customers' order.
For example, being a certified Windows®CE
provider, Advantech can design a CE image for individual customers that is custom
made for their specific applications. We only subcontract out service items which
are not part of our core business to provide customers with one-stop shopping
convenience. This experience means we better understand what obstacles customers
must overc ome when they come to us for embedded solution assistance.
Advantech also maintains strategic relationships with many key component suppliers.
Advantech is an Intel®Applied Computing Platform
Provider and is also one of M-Systems largest channels for DiskOnChipTM
Solid State Disk (SSD) for the Asia Pacific region. Relationships and services
like these let Advantech provide a One-stop solution center for embedded applications.
2 year Warranty Policy
Advantech recently announced it has extended its warranty policy from 1 year to
2 years for selected products. Due to the confidence Advantech has in the quality
and reliability of our products as well as the improvements and increased efficiency
of our RMA process, Advantech wants to let our customers benefit from these gains.
This 1 year warranty extension represents Advantech's continued commitment to
providing our customers with the highest level of product support. Advantech stands
by their products and customers every step of the way. Please consult with your
local Advantech sales representative for further information concerning which
products this affects. We welcome any suggestions or comments from you that can
help us improve the overall value of the products and services we provide.
Fax: 886-2-2218-1813
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"Dynamic Burn-In"
QA Testing Now Offered
Using our experience gained from making products made for military and aerospace
use, Advantech is able to transfer much of this technology into our everyday products.
Our "Dynamic Burn-In" program is one such program. Dynamic Burn-In is
a method of Quality Assurance testing that pre-tests a CPU board to temperature
extremes. For critical applications where the "cost of failure" is extremely
high, this program can 100% test a product against temperature extreme failures.
The additional charge for this service for many customers is a small price to
pay for the peace of mind they gain knowing the product they or their customers
are using, has been tested in similar demanding conditions. Based on the Environment
Stress Guideline (ESS) and Advantech's experience, Products are tested in temperature
ranges from -10°C ~ 60°C
for standard testing and from -20°C ~ 80°C
for special customer request. To find out more about Advantech's "Dyanamic
Burn- n"program, go to our Web site at
to learn more.
Card Size PC Promotion Kit